Félpótkocsi dobozos Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing - 9740747

Lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER

Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing

Megjelent: 3nap

Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 1 kép.
Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 2 kép.
Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 3 kép.
Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 4 kép.
Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 5 kép.
Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 6 kép.
Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 7 kép.
Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 8 kép.
Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 9 kép.
Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 10 kép.
Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 11 kép.
Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 12 kép.
Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 13 kép.
Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 14 kép.
Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 15 kép.
Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 16 kép.
Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 17 kép.
Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 18 kép.
Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 19 kép.
Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER lízing Krone alu dropsides, raising-roof, new sheets, GOOD QUALITY, AGAINST ANY ACCEPTABLE OFFER: 20 kép.
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Megjelent: 3nap


Intézményközi referenciaszám

Gyártási év


Első nyilvántartásba vétel dátuma

Nettó tömeg

7220 kg

39000 kg
Hasznos teher

31780 kg

13860 mm

2550 mm

4000 mm

101741 L

Netherlands, Aanwas 25, 4704 SC Roosendaal, The Netherlands

tengelyek száma

tengely gyártmánya

BPW Eco-Plus: 1,2,3



hátsó abroncsok

Achse 1: 445/45-R19.5, 60% / Achse 2: 445/45-R19.5, Links außen: 80%, Rechts außen: 75% / Achse 3: 445/45-R19.5, Links außen: 75%, Rechts außen: 55%
rakodási hossz

13620 mm
rakodási szélesség

2490 mm
rakodási magasság

3000 mm
hátsó ajtók

Több információ

Additional options and accessories

  • BPW-axles
  • Drumbrakes
  • Raising roof
  • Rear doors
  • sideboards
  • Sliding-roof


nice 10/2014 Krone mega curtainsider with BPW Eco-Plus axles with drum brakes, ABS/EBS, aluminum side boards, sliding roof, lifting roof, rear doors, new sheets, Code-XL, multilock, interior: 13.63x2.49x3.00m, empty weight : 7,220kg, max. mass: 39,000kg, 445/45-R19.5 tires (L: 10/13/12mm; R: 10/12/9mm), Dutch registration, 4x available

More information

Bodywork: Volume transport

Make of bodywork: Krone SDP

Technical condition: very good

Visual appearance: very good

Registration number: OT-40-TG

Kérjen lízing ajánlatot

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A fenti űrlapon feldolgozott személyes adatok kezelője a TRUCK1 sp. z o.o., amelynek székhelye: ul. Aleje Jerozolimskie 85/21, 02-001 Varsó, NIP: 7011085742, REGON: 521876921. E-mail kapcsolat: info@truck1.eu. A személyes adatokat a megadott űrlapon keresztül küldött kérdés kezelésének céljából dolgozzák fel a GDPR 6. cikk 1. bekezdés f pontja alapján. Minden felhasználónak joga van hozzáférést kérni személyes adataihoz, azok helyesbítéséhez, törléséhez (indokolt esetekben), a feldolgozás korlátozásához és a feldolgozás elleni tiltakozáshoz, valamint joga van panaszt tenni a Személyes Adatvédelmi Hivatal felügyelőjénél. További információk a személyes adatok feldolgozásáról a weboldalon közzétett információs záradékokban találhatók: Adatvédelmi irányelvek.

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t1 old test unit
t1 test unit - leasing - Semi-trailer
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